Tuesday, January 8, 2008

First Post :)

It's official. I'm posting.

Latest news? I just received the TKGA Master Hand Knitter Level I curriculum. I had told myself it was going to be a lot of work, but it didn't sync in until last night when I started to really look at it.

Any TKGA Master Knitters out there who would like to share their advice and experience... or anyone who wants to keep in touch and "go through it together," feel free to contact me!

By the way, I'm tclarkeee on Ravelry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!...welcome to the world of blogging.

I'd love to be able to offer advice on TKGA, but I got nothin'.

I guess I can say that I've read a lot of KnitList posts on the subject, and the idea of become a "certified" knitter has always held some appeal, but not enough for me to start on the path.